Welcome to The Motherlode - a weekly podcast that takes a deep dive into all things women's health and motherhood. Join your host, Sarah Bradford as she sits down with world-leading experts to educate, empower, and inspire you through candid conversations that are backed by evidence, and with fellow moms to share their stories, because our stories matter and deserve to be heard.
Sarah Bradford is a mom of two IVF babies, renowned women's health and fitness expert, and the Founder of LUNA Mother Co - the leading fitness & wellness app for women & mothers.
All About Postnatal Nutrition w/ Jaren Soloff, RD
During pregnancy there is an abundance of information out there about what we should (and shouldn't) eat, our weight and blood pressure is checked at every prenatal visit, and our wellbeing is closely monitored. Then the baby is born and we get one, maybe two (if you're lucky) postnatal visits. Mental health screenings for postnatal mood disorders are minimal at best, and there is a lack of guidance in terms of how to actually heal our bodies after birth. Nutrition is something that is rarely, if ever, discussed post-birth. But what we eat can help postpartum helps us replenish, nourish, and fuel our bodies for faster healing, healthy milk supply, and the energy needed to care for our new little human(s)!
In this week's episode we sat down with Registered Dietitian & International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) Jaren Soloff to discuss what we should be eating postpartum to help fuel and heal our bodies, what healthy postpartum weight loss looks like and cultivating a positive postpartum body image, and much more! We also chat about Jaren's new book, the Postnatal Cookbook.
In addition to being a Registered Dietician and IBCLC, Jaren is also the Founder of FULL CRCL where she provides nutrition counseling and lactation consultations from a "Health at Every Size" perspective using an Intuitive Eating Framework. To learn more about Jaren, connect with her, and order her new book, visit her at https://www.fullcrcl.co/ and follow her on Instagram!
Sarah & Stephanie are the Founders of LUNA Mother Co, the first all-in-one digital platform for motherhood. From their evidence based fitness method, to pelvic floor & core physical therapy programs, parenting classes, & community, LUNA Mother Co has it all.
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